"Pssssssssst.. I know you're dating my EX, but if you ever lay a hand on my kids, I'm gonna beat you like
that slave you portrayed in Amistad... YA FEEL ME!!!"


  1. Amistad to Russell: "Tell you what. You throw me one of the white model bitches when you're done with em and you got a deal.."

  2. Russell to Amistad: "so, who did she say has the biggest dick"

  3. Russell to Amistad: "how does if feel to have my sloppy seconds??"

    Amistad to Russell: "how does if feel knowing that i'm spending your alimony and child support money, bitch!"

  4. Russie to Amistad: "Dontchu realize that I'm just payin you to keep that bird from ever tryna get back with me?"
